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The 16FDC was Cromemco's second
generation floppy disk controller board. The 16FDC provided a complete system
for floppy disk operation including serial I/O for an RS-232 terminal, a
pre-programmed ROM with system bootstrap and diagnostic routines, and of course
full read/write/format capability for any combination of single or double sided,
single or double density, 5" (mini) or 8" (maxi) floppy disks. The 16FDC
normally handled up to 4 drives in a daisy chain configuration, although 16
drives could be chained if the drives decode the 4 drive select lines. The 16FDC
included an 8 channel interrupt system which was connected to the flag bits of
the disk controller, serial I/O, and a set of interval timers. One of the
interrupt inputs could optionally be connected to a 512 millisecond crystal
controlled clock for real time interrupt capability. All timing on the 16FDC was
referenced to an onboard crystal clock. This included the head load delay (which
was switched according to the size of the diskette), the head stepping rate, the
motor turnoff timer, and the watchdog timer in an auto-wait circuit. The data
recovery circuit uses a Cromemco unique phase locked loop to optimize
performance for each size and density diskette. Single density data was recorded
in the FM format while double density data uses the MFM format. Density on a
given diskette could be vary from track to track - though this would have been
very non-standard. It could however be used with dual density diskettes that
require the first track to contain a label, written in single density, which
informed the operating system of the density and number of sides of the
remainder of the diskette. The phase locked loop circuitry incorporated an
adjustable trim capacitor on the circuit board to optimize the system using a
scope and special disk.
The manual for the board can be obtained
Other Cromemco S-100 Boards
This page was last modified on 01/08/2011